I love these caramel pecan pralines! They are insanely silky, nutty, buttery and completely delicious! I could eat a whole batch of them in a week all by myself if left to my own devices. Luckily, my family intervenes and eats some too. The caramel is silky and smooth and the perfect foundation for the pecans! I like to add a sprinkle of both table salt and then course sea salt on top of mine because I enjoy the contrast but they still taste heavenly without the salt.

Here is a quick reference for the cooking stages of caramel:
- Thread stage – This will fall apart in your hand and feels like a syrup or sauce. This stage is reached around 230 F- 234 F.
- Soft ball stage – Where it will form a soft ball but that ball will promptly fall flat in your hand. this stage will be reached at 234 F. – 241 F.
- *Caramel stage –238 F. is the perfect caramel stage – the ball will hold it’s shape but will flatten very slightly or wilt after a few seconds of holding it, you can also go fully to hard ball stage for a little more toothsome caramel. Typically 238 F.- 243ish F. is perfect.
- Hard ball stage – Where the ball formed in your hand stays in the shape of a ball but is still soft and pliable. 250 F. to 256 F.
- Soft crack stage – Means it will be hard on the outside and tough to work with your hands, this is the stage you would use for taffy, where you would pull the sugar until it softens. 270 F. – 289 F.
- Hard crack stage – When the candy is hard and snaps easily. This is used for peanut brittle, toffee, candy canes and hard candies.295 F. – 309 F.
For more information on candy making check out my candy making 101 post HERE.

What you will need to make caramel pecan pralines:
makes 24 extra large pralines or 36 small
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup corn syrup
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt *for a salted caramel increase the salt to 1/2 teaspoon
- 2 cups pecans halves or pieces
- Optional – sea salt for tops
- Optional – melted chocolate on tops
- In a heavy bottomed pan, add the butter, sugar, corn syrup and stir over medium high heat.
- Once the butter has melted completely and the sugar has dissolved, slowly pour the heavy cream into the mixture while stirring. You don’t want to add it too fast or it can make your caramel crystallize or become grainy.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until it hits the caramel stage, just below hard ball stage or around 238 F. for a soft, yet firm enough to hold it’s shape caramel. I always eat the caramel I ice water test so I can see if I like the way it feels on my teeth. I don’t want it too sticky or hard.
- *If you do cook the caramel past the desired stage, add more cream and stir, it will set back the stage the caramel is at.
- Pour mixture onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Add pecans on the top and fold into the hot caramel with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
- Let caramel cool slightly so you don’t burn your hands but the caramel is still warm. Pull from the caramel pecan mixture and form into small ball shapes then press slightly flat so it forms a disc shape.
- Top with sea salt if desired or coat with chocolate and wrapped each praline in parchment paper to prevent it from sticking.
- Enjoy!
Here are a few other candy recipes you might love:
- Triple chocolate almond truffles RECIPE HERE
- White chocolate coconut macadamia nut truffles RECIPE HERE
- Mint chocolate truffle bars RECIPE HERE
- “posion” cinnamon candy apples RECIPE HERE
Caramel pecan pralines
These are soft, silky, buttery and so delicious!
Servings: 36 pralines
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup corn syrup
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/4 teaspoon Salt *for a salted caramel increase the salt to 1/2 teaspoon
- 2 cups pecans halves or pieces
- Optional – sea salt for tops
- In a heavy bottomed pan, add the butter, sugar, corn syrup and stir over medium high heat.
- Once the butter has melted completely and the sugar has dissolved, slowly pour the heavy cream into the mixture while stirring. You don’t want to add it too fast or it can make your caramel crystallize or become grainy.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until it hits the caramel stage, just below hard ball stage or around 238 F. for a soft, yet firm enough to hold it’s shape caramel. I always eat the caramel I ice water test so I can see if I like the way it feels on my teeth. I don’t want it too sticky or hard.
- *If you do cook the caramel past the desired stage, add more cream and stir, it will set back the stage the caramel is at.
- Pour mixture onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Add pecans on the top and fold into the hot caramel with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula.
- Let caramel cool slightly so you don’t burn your hands but the caramel is still warm. Pull from the caramel pecan mixture and form into small ball shapes then press slightly flat so it forms a disc shape.
- Top with sea salt if desired and wrapped each praline in parchment paper to prevent it from sticking.
- Enjoy!